Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Greatest new dog name: "Fiscal Cliffy"

Wanna blow a teller's mind? Make a deposit into your savings account.

I wrap all my unpaid bills in lottery tickets hoping each will get the hint.

The ultimate addition of insult to injury: You're broke as hell but still vote Republican. 

My glass is always half full. Of what, I will not say.

Dude, do you know how many donuts you could've bought instead of all those lottery tickets?!

© 2012 by Grant William Brad Gerver. All Rights Reserved. If you care to reproduce any of these as bumper stickers or for any other project, I am very open to working with you: seriouskidding@gmail.com ) ---- "Blues Lunatic~Idiot Stick Videos": Tons of original acoustic blues, rock, folk tunes, protest songs, off-the-wall humor & Shih Tzus. 271 videos & counting. Filibi.com : Find It, Love It, Buy It.

Friday, September 14, 2012

$250k Middle Class? I must be in Upper Poverty! (idea courtesy of Mitt Romney)

© 2012 by Grant William Brad Gerver. All Rights Reserved. If you care to reproduce any of these as bumper stickers or for any other project, I am very open to working with you: seriouskidding@gmail.com ) ---- "Blues Lunatic~Idiot Stick Videos": Tons of original acoustic blues, rock, folk tunes, protest songs, off-the-wall humor & Shih Tzus. 271 videos & counting. Filibi.com : Find It, Love It, Buy It.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Latest thing to become obsolete: The great American job resume.

Life is full of paradoxes: While I do sunscreen the cat, I often forget to use it on myself.

We're running out of thin ice to skate on. 

I diligently used my GPS and still ended up in the wrong state.

Good news: I found a $20-dollar while riding my bike. Bad news: I inhaled it.
© 2012 by Grant William Brad Gerver. All Rights Reserved. If you care to reproduce any of these as bumper stickers or for any other project, I am very open to working with you: seriouskidding@gmail.com ) ---- "Blues Lunatic~Idiot Stick Videos": Tons of original acoustic blues, rock, folk tunes, protest songs, off-the-wall humor & Shih Tzus. 271 videos & counting. Filibi.com : Find It, Love It, Buy It.

Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm the only person in town with a lizard tail collection.

Astrophysicists make better lovers.

Come ride the brand-new Mount Everest Sherpa Tram!

Parked cars get the best mileage.

Don't cave to conspiracy theorists: We'll never run out of oil or water.

Worrying over things you can't control is still worth it.

© 2012 by Grant William Brad Gerver. All Rights Reserved. If you care to reproduce any of these as bumper stickers or for any other project, I am very open to working with you: seriouskidding@gmail.com ) ---- "Blues Lunatic~Idiot Stick Videos": Tons of original acoustic blues, rock, folk tunes, protest songs, off-the-wall humor & Shih Tzus. 271 videos & counting. Filibi.com : Find It, Love It, Buy It.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Like cockroaches, politicians will be the last humans standing when the world ends.

"Somewhere over the Bainbow..."

Genmoditarian: A person who only eats genetically modified foods.

When the TSA requires on-site colonoscopies, I'm done flying.

Resurrect FDR

Contrarian Humanitarian: I run a no-kill shelter for mice.  

Birth control unfairly limits the chances of ever reaching 1 trillion people.

The epitome of redundancy: "Lying Politician"

People get along better when they're heavily armed.

© 2012 by Grant William Brad Gerver. All Rights Reserved. If you care to reproduce any of these as bumper stickers or for any other project, I am very open to working with you: seriouskidding@gmail.com ) ---- "Blues Lunatic~Idiot Stick Videos": Tons of original acoustic blues, rock, folk tunes, protest songs, off-the-wall humor & Shih Tzus. 271 videos & counting. Filibi.com : Find It, Love It, Buy It.