Monday, August 13, 2012

"The Farting Brain" Bumper Stickers ~ 8-13-2012 ~

The Environment is our play toy to do with as we please. It's just easier that way.

Gas isn't overpriced. It's overused.

How about this weird notion: If it's an American company, its goods have to be produced IN AMERICA.

Yes Virginia, more regulation must come into play, and evil loopholes must go away. Now go to sleep. 

America: The game is rigged and the deck is stacked.
 © 2012 by Grant William Brad Gerver. All Rights Reserved. If you care to reproduce any of these as bumper stickers or for any other project, I am very open to working with you: ) ---- "Blues Lunatic~Idiot Stick Videos": Tons of original acoustic blues, rock,folk tunes, protest songs, off-the-wall humor & Shih Tzus. 271 videos & counting.

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